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We work hard to provide you with the best tactical gear and equipment at the the best prices! Keeping you safe and watching your six, always at Axis Tactical! 

IPOK - Individual Patrol Officer Kit

Medical Kits

IPOK - Individual Patrol Officer Kit

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IPOK - Individual Patrol Officer Kit


The Individual Patrol Officer Kit (IPOK) from North American Rescue is designed to provide personnel with a compact and durable individual hemorrhage control kit to treat bleeding from penetrating and other traumatic injuries. These kits are packaged for small cube space and designed to fit into a BDU pocket, vest pouch, or individual bag, which allows personnel to keep a compact bleeding control kit on their person, where it is needed most. The contents are vacuum sealed in an easy-to-open, rugged, durable package featuring NAR's Red Tip Technology® signature red tear notches.



2Pair Talon® Nitrile Trauma Gloves (Black)
1CAT® (Combat Application Tourniquet®)
1S-Rolled Gauze
1Emergency Trauma Dressing (4")


Dimensions: 4" H x 6.5" W x 2.75" D
Weight: 7.7 oz


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